you're READY TO

come home
to yourself

and live with purpose and fulfillment

Perhaps you’re finding yourself here because:

If some or all of the above resonate,
you’re in the right place!

you're not alone

You’re at a crossroads, a liminal space between who you used to be and who you're becoming.

Historically, you’ve been busy trying to live up to others’ expectations, being perfect, people-pleasing, ignoring the inner voice that whispers to you, not trusting yourself, maybe feeling not good enough.

You know there’s more to life, and you're hungry to discover who you truly are at your depths, understand why you're here.

You want to heal your old wounds, trust yourself, love yourself fully, feel worthy, at home in your body and life.

You long to live in alignment with your truth, express your unique voice, and embrace a life of authenticity, belonging, meaning, and deep purpose.

You can’t go back to what was, yet you don’t know what’s coming. You may be unsure of your next step.

An earnest search, driven by deep longing, a crisis, or a wake-up call, may have brought you here—perhaps due to a painful loss, an accident, illness, burnout, end of a relationship, getting fired from a job, immigration.

If you’re like many of the clients I work with 

You're seeking to connect to the True Self within 

This program will show you how

Come home to your authentic self and feel more rooted

Learn to hear the voice of your Soul and reclaim your deep inner knowing 

Feel more empowered, safe and free to express who you are 

Experience more self acceptance, self love, joy, aliveness, inner peace

Do the inner work to transform and heal from the inside out  

Face yourself and integrate the medicine at the core of your wounds 

Break through patterns, stories and ways of being that no longer serve you 

Learn to work with resistance rather than against it 

Trust yourself and recover your sense of vulnerability and inner belonging 

Gain a deeper understanding of who you are

Align with the will of your Soul, your true purpose 

Find a sense of clarity, direction, life meaning

Live a deeply fulfilling and satisfying life guided by your inner truth 

Learn a timeless map and tools for navigating and tending your lifelong journey

Inner Transformation will empower you to:

Alecs came to this program after overcoming the initial stages of an excruciating personal crisis: illness, motherhood and postpartum depression. She was ready to earnestly start looking inward and was looking for a soul-led approach to go deeper into the shadow and inner child. Her desire was to feel at home in herself.

You've helped me feel safe to face my shadows. I have been able to go deeper inwards than ever before and I now have the tools to continue that descent when I feel ready. I have a roadmap. 

I’ve had several major breakthroughs over the course.
There is a sense of hope deep down, of a light waiting to burst forth. I know it’s possible to reemerge from the ashes, because I have your example, Agata, and the example of our group who have gone through it, and are still working at it.

My biggest takeaway is that I’m not alone in my struggles. The group container opened me up to that, and some days it makes all the difference knowing that I’m not alone.”


Meet Alecs

This program is for people who want to look into themselves, who are willing to be present and go deep, who are drawn to this work and way of life. It is for those that hear the call of the Soul, the wakeup call or crisis, for those who feel stuck, restless, or are simply ready to take the leap and live more authentically and in alignment with their original nature. It is for those who can value the sacred in all things and endure the psychological, emotional or physical discomfort, if any arise as part of the process.

While this course will provide a safe container, if you are in an active crisis, you need to be grounded enough to hold yourself through the emotional currents if and when they arise. If this is not possible at this time, individual therapy would be a better option.

Please keep in mind that the psyche has its own wisdom and rhythm and while the process can be initiated and invited, it cannot be forced or quickened. It is meant to be surrendered to and walked consciously. With time and dedicated tending, the process will naturally lead to a birth of new consciousness – a new, more authentic way of being. 

This program will awaken you to your journey and equip you with tools so that you can keep walking your path as it naturally unfolds. 

Sandra was looking to heal from early childhood wounding. She was drawn to this program because she was interested in using dreams and myths as tools to connect with the inner self as a source of healing and inner knowing.

This course is a catalyst for transformation as revelations and breakthroughs are likely to be available to you in the most surprising and enriching way.

Two weeks into the course, my dreams became more frequent and remembered. They are now a source of continuous revelation on what it is that operates beyond my conscious awareness. Working with my dreams in this therapeutic way has become a powerful and insightful process.

I’ve had many “aha” moments as alienated parts fall together. The images taken from the mythological stories provide a visual structure that has helped me ground my emotional process in a way that diffuses its traumatic charge and helps me contain difficult feelings.”


Meet Sandra

your journey starts here...

Module 01: Map and Tools for the Journey

Your Inner Terrain and Emotional Mastery

As with any journey, we begin with the map of where we’re going – the inner terrain, which holds the key to your transformation.

  • Create a safe container for your process
  • Discover how the inner world communicates and learn to give voice to what lives inside
  • Master the art of processing emotions and overcoming resistance on your journey

Module 02: Initiating Wholeness

Soul Recovery and Archetypal Transformation

Equipped with our map and tools, we journey deeper inward to activate the cycle of life-death-life with the power of myth medicine.

  • Initiate an archetypal process of soul recovery
  • Use myth as a powerful tool for transformation
  • Surrender old layers and step into the individuation journey of becoming whole

Module 03: Shadow and Inner Child

Healing and Integrating the Hidden Parts of You

We journey into the shadow, where our true self often lies hidden. 

  • Face and integrate the shadow, wounds and false layers that mask your true essence
  • Uncover and release limiting conditioning, coping mechanisms, and survival patterns
  • Work with the inner child to heal and nurture the parts of you still carrying pain, guiding you to wholeness

Module 04: Dreams and Alchemy

Unlocking the Soul’s Guidance and Transformative Power

Your soul speaks to you through dreams, guiding you on your true path.

  • Learn the art of dreamwork and how to listen to your soul’s nightly guidance
  • Use dreams as a map for the individuation journey, exploring archetypes, symbols, and synchronicity
  • Dive into ancient alchemy as a reflection of your soul’s transformation, unlocking deep inner change

Module 05: Coming Home to Soul

Restoring Your Deep Connection and Inner Peace

Heal the disconnection that has kept you from your true essence.

  • Listen for the soul’s call to return home using myth as medicine
  • End soul loss and restore your connection to your deepest self
  • Tend to your inner well and uncover the true meaning of your life

Module 06: Inner Critic and Inner Truth

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Your Authentic Power

Unlock your true potential by confronting the inner critic and stepping into your personal truth.

  • Face the inner critic that keeps you small, and resolve inner conflict
  • Cultivate self-love, self-acceptance, and reclaim your personal authority
  • Listen to your inner truth and restore trust, set healthy boundaries to live in alignment

Module 07: Soul Origins and Destiny

Restoring Your Deep Connection and Inner Peace

Aligning with Your Soul’s Purpose and Spiritual Journey

  • Explore theories of soul origin and connect with your greater purpose
  • Dive into fate, destiny, and the ancestral shadow, breaking patterns of repetition
  • Tune into your desires and passions as impulses from your soul, and learn to co-create with the Mystery

Module 08: Harvest and Next Steps

Integrating Your Journey and Creating a Lifelong Practice

Reflect on and integrate the transformation you’ve experienced, setting the foundation for continued growth. 

  • Absorb the lessons from your inner journey and integrate your transformation
  • Create a personalized, lifelong practice to continue your growth
  • Use the tools and map you've developed to stay aligned with your evolving path

Charlotte was drawn to this program as she was curious about the inner journey and the process of death-rebirth, which was brewing in her life for a couple of years.

This program is a homecoming!

The biggest piece I took away is that there is this deep soul calling within me.
It can sometimes feel like everything is too late. That I missed the boat, I just messed it all up. And really, I’ve realized that I’m just in the process of it, just in the middle of it.

I’ve had wakeup calls and several of them (car accident, health concerns). They were significant, but I didn’t quite understand them. Now I see that beneath those wakeup calls, there was this soul calling me and nudging me to come home.”


Meet Charlotte

Our tools for the descent into the unconscious include: 

embodied awareness-based inner exploration
emotional processing and integration 
process writing
shadow work
myth and poetry
dream work
ritual action
creative expression
active imagination
authentic movement
mindfulness, meditation and stillness

Inner Transformation is inspired by Jungian and depth psychology, body centered psychotherapy, Marion Woodman's BodySoul approach, Clarissa Pinkola Estes’ story as medicine, the natural cycles of renewal and the soul’s evolutionary spiral, as well as the psychospiritual vision of Tibetan, mystical and shamanistic traditions. 

Pavitra joined the program as she was feeling stuck. She was not happy in her relationships, was reactive, but didn’t have the courage to express her voice and shift out of reactivity.

I’ve found my true self!
It was hidden below layers and layers of repression and self-criticism.
I feel more alive than I ever felt before.

The one thing that really shifted for me was my ability to speak my truth and to set healthy boundaries. I’m now feeling more present, more aware, and more courageous to be myself, to express who I am, to take the right action and fulfill my destiny.
I can also see my true calling, my dharma.

This course is amazing! Thank you."


Meet Pavitra

When you sign up for the course, you'll get immediate access to 8 modules of pre-recorded teachings and guided embodied inner work.

You'll have the flexibility to engage with the material at your own pace.

Included in the program are 8 weekly zoom calls with me. These group calls are held on Wednesdays from 12-1pm Pacific time. And these sessions are for you to share your process, be witnessed and have your questions answered.

You'll also have access to a private group messaging channel for the duration of the 8-weeks. This will allow you to connect with me for support in between sessions and share your journey with others moving through the program.

The intention is to create genuine connection, and to feel held and supported by a safe container as you walk this path.

You'll have access to the teachings and inner work materials for a period of 9-months (from the time of purchase). You'll be able to download all of the tools you receive in the program. The video lessons and inner work sessions are not downloadable.  

how it 


Pamela had been going through a couple of years of inner work. Her mind was loud, and she was not yet trusting herself fully. She was drawn to this course as she was looking for something to take her to the next level of her healing journey.

“After the entire course was completed, it took me a week to realize I broke through something. It was a sense of relief.

The breakthrough was more of a feeling. I used to wake up with this feeling of anxiety and uncertainty – and I still have those moments – but I woke up one day with a sense of peace that I haven’t felt for a really long time. A sense of direction. I could breathe.”


Meet Pamela

Throughout my life I’ve had my share of unwanted initiations and learned, often the hard way, how to listen more deeply and surrender to my Soul path. These experiences, while humbling, have been my greatest teachers, and have inspired me to create Inner Transformation. 

I've been immersed in the field of depth psychology and self discovery since 2007, and in private practice since 2012. I hold a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology, and carry the designation of Registered Clinical Counsellor and Psychotherapist. 

Over the years, I’ve had the honour to guide and hold space for hundreds of individuals, couples, families and groups in their quest for wholeness. My work is rooted in depth psychology: Jungian, body centered psychotherapy, Gestalt; as well as family constellations and ancestral healing rituals. My approach is also influenced by the sacred traditions of Tibet, Sri Vidya, mystical Kabbalah, shamanistic nature based spiritualities, evolutionary astrology, and Tarot as mirror of the individuation journey.

My approach focuses on healing and recovering one’s true expression from the impact of childhood wounds, conditioning, socialization and intergenerational trauma. I serve as a guide in the transformative process of death-rebirth.

I have an immense passion for this work, and continue to be in awe of the Mystery that permeates our being and the deep innate currents of transformation and renewal within our psyche. 


Hi, I’m Agata!

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is a group therapy process with an educational component. Previous participants have been successfully reimbursed by their benefits provider. Agata carries a Registered Clinical Counsellor designation, which most plans in British Columbia cover. Please check with your insurance as each plan is different.

You will have access to the teachings and inner work modules on the online course platform for a period of 9-months (from the time of purchase). During that time, you can go back as often as you like and keep revisiting.

The weekly modules will take 2-2.5 hours to complete. Please keep in mind that these videos are self-paced and there is no expectation for you to complete it all. Do what you can and what your life and schedule allow for. You will have extended access to all course materials (for a period of 9-months), which allows you to complete the course at your pace.

I’m confident this program will help you connect to your True Self within, initiate an organic process of change and equip you with tools to tend it IF you do the work and participate fully, which is why I’m offering a 100% risk-free money back guarantee. Here’s how it works: If you don't find Inner Transformation valuable, just email Agata with your completed inner work from sessions 1 - 8, by the end of week 8 (from when you purchased the course) and you’ll be refunded in full. If you don’t submit your completed coursework by that deadline, no refund will be issued. This also applies to payment plans, which means you’ll be responsible for all payments after that date. Please note this deadline is firm.

crafted with love by

8 pre-recorded modules of teachings, tools, and guided embodied inner work

8 weekly zoom calls held on Wed 12-1 PST for live support, witnessing, and Q&A

8 weeks of access to group messaging channel

9 months of access to online class platform including all materials

Inner Transformation

best value

one payment of

$2497 USD

most flexible

9 monthly payments of

$299 USD